Impact CFX - Collision Effects System

Downloadable Demo Build (Windows)


• Play audio when physics objects collide with each other, with sounds based on the collision velocity and the objects' materials.

• Play sliding and rolling sounds.

• Emit particles on collision.

• Leave decals behind on collision.

• Support for terrains.

• Works great with rigidbodies connected by joints and ragdolls.


• Utilize Impact CFX to play different footstep sounds based on the material a character is walking over.


• Use Impact CFX to play sounds, emit particles, and place decals for bullet impacts.

Note that knowledge of C# scripting is required to implement footstep and weapon impact effects done via raycasting.


• Impact CFX utilizes Unity's Jobs system and Burst compiler to efficiently process effects with minimal performance impact, even with hundreds of colliding objects.

• Extensive configurability means that you can optimize Impact CFX for your specific needs.