This game was made with Unity 3D (2021.2.11f1)
Blackjack 21 is simple and very popular card game.
The game purpose is that you want to have a hand value that is closer to 21 than that of the dealer, without exceeding over 21.
You can play demo from this link: Blackjack 21 Demo
- Ready to publish
- In-App Purchase integrated
- Admob integrated
- Support different screen resolution (Responsive)
- Support Phone & Tablet
- In-App Purchase
- Admob Interstitial Ad
- Admob Rewarded Ad
How to claim services
- Purchase the game
- Send an e-mail to the features you want to add or make in the game with your license file
- Asset uses LeanTween under MIT License
- Asset uses HelveticaNeueCry under MIT License
- Asset uses GoogleAdMob under Apache 2.0 License
You can read license information from Third-Party Notices.txt on main folder.