Multi-Input First Person Controller


Try the Demo Here⬅




• Input: Mobile, Keyboard&Mouse, Gamepad

• Input System: Old Input System, New Input System

• Player Stats: Health, Stamina

• Player System

• Settings System

• Footstep system

• Ladder system

• Modular

• Build Characters in Seconds

Easy To Improve

Flexible To Use

❗ Gamepad input works only on the new input system ❗


• Dynamic input change: Mobile, Keyboard&Mouse, Gamepad input

• The ability to simply change the input system (Old, New)

• Move inertia

• Increased FOV when running

• Movement states

• Movement animations

• Smooth camera rotation

• Air control

• Settings

• Save settings

• Sounds of footsteps on different surfaces

Change the height of the character

• Damage visualization

• Player movement parameters in ScriptableObject

• Heal visualization

• Character Controller teleport

• Possibility of interaction of the character with physical objects

• Die

✔️Settings Options

• Sensivity

• Camera Speed Smooth X

• Camera Speed Smooth Y

• Input Type


• Is Fixed Joystick

• Is Fading Joystick

• Joystick Type

• Customize Mobile UI (Move buttons)

✔️Movement States

• Walk

• Run

• Jump

• Sit (Crouch)

• Climb (Ladder)

• Lean


Direction Indicator 3D/2D