Sheet Animator

Sheet Animator was developed for creating and managing customizable 2D pixel entities and their animations.

- "But why Sheet Animator? 👀"

There are dozens of learning resources available on the internet showing how to implement pixel character customization. They usually describe the process of importing sprites, slicing them, naming them, and creating and sorting animations using Unity's built-in animator. It's a lot of manual work that takes a lot of time as your project grows. The idea behind Sheet Animator is to automate these manual steps, allowing you to avoid wasting precious time.

- Features:

  • Automatic sheet import & sorting
  • Automatic sheet setup (filter mode, compression, etc.)
  • Automatic sheet slicing, naming, & caching
  • User-friendly database editor
  • Own animator component (Sheet Animator does not use the built-in animator)
  • Flexible configuration (such as setting a different FPS for each animation, utilizing custom materials, playing animations in reverse, and more)
  • Asynchronous loading and seamless switching of customization objects during runtime without resetting animation
  • High performance and robust support for a large number of entries

Tested and is recommended for use on the 2022 Unity LTS versions.

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