All of the tools includes are a drag and drop easy to use tools that simulates schools of fish, birds, butterflies, bees and similar insects.
- Low Poly Models
- Follow random generated points or a specific target.
- Flocking behaviour
- Customization options
- Obstacle Avoidance
- Instancing or prefab instantiation for the fishes
- Acceleration, speed, force, turn speed, transform scale and neighbour distance customization through inspector.
- Includes one simple shader that simulates the swimming movement of a fish.
- Process the fishes through a Compute Shader (GPU) or in the CPU - Collision Avoidance against unity built-in colliders.
- Multiple flocking groups on a scene.
- Vertex Animation via Shader Graph (included)
- Shaders included supports HDRP/URP.
Some models of the Ocean Sample scene are made by EdwinRC at Sketchfab