65 Taiko Drum Battle Music Loops and Chinese Traditional Loops, professionally produced, authentic composition using Taiko Drums and other instruments of the Far East. Perfect for any project that needs this style within their game.

***Owners of our previous bundles receive a discounted upgrade to this bundle for $10***

Chinese Traditional Music vol. 1 & 2

  • Call and Response
  • Calling For Dance
  • Calm Before The Ride
  • Ensemble Pride
  • Family Gathers
  • Farming For Two
  • Harmonies
  • Home At Last
  • Loving Sway
  • Morning Call
  • If Passing Through Town
  • Quirks Aside
  • Ready To Begin
  • Who Dares
  • A Beautiful Shogun Masterpiece
  • A Charming Delight
  • A Dance Of The Roses
  • A Garden In The Distant Past
  • A Lesser Known Truth
  • E A New Land
  • A New Story Awaits
  • A Shift In The Position
  • A Tide To Observe
  • Awaiting The Instructions
  • Frantic Natures
  • Home in The Village
  • Morning Sweet
  • Move Into The Village
  • Opening To The Night
  • Play The Game With Us
  • Stories We Tell Our Young
  • The Mystery In The Cave
  • Will You Buy Or Sell
  • Wise Tales Of The Few

Battle Drums: Taikos Vol. 1 & 2

  • Back and Forth Fight
  • Behind The Walls
  • Forced Out
  • Get Out
  • Give Me The Gold
  • Growing
  • Halt
  • Monsoon
  • Quickly Leave
  • Slam Down
  • Syncopations
  • The Battle Begins
  • War Dance
  • Who Can Take It
  • Who Dare Crosses
  • A Brief Escape
  • A Military Dance
  • All Will Flee
  • Call To Rally Troops
  • Calmly Approach The Enemy
  • Dense Formation
  • Distant Threat Approaches
  • Drumlines
  • Let Me Tell You Something
  • Madness Calls
  • Practice We Shall
  • Shoutouts
  • Speed Up The Beat
  • Syncopations
  • Welcome To The Horizon