This is the most comprehensive collection of board and card game sounds in the world, covering a collection of different objects, materials, and actions that will enable you to create or recreate any virtual board game you imagine.
This is the most comprehensive collection of board and card game sounds in the world, covering a collection of different objects, materials, and actions that will enable you to create or recreate any virtual board game you imagine.
The combination of objects and materials in board and card games is vast. So we took a modular approach by first analyzing which part played the dominant resonant role in each action scenario (move a piece, throw a die, etc.) and then recording and organizing the sounds by the primary material impression. That way, you can quickly create the aesthetic of the materials you need for your project.
The content is organized into four main object categories: Cards, chips, pieces, and dice. And we include all classic board game materials like cardboard and wood, plus some more luxurious ones like crystal, marble, and more.
Of course, a modular library like this can be used in myriads of projects. From adding sound to user interfaces to enhancing your music style by using this library as a percussion instrument with a sampler, the sky’s the limit.
Make your board or card game classic or unique; this library gives you all the sounds you need.
puzzle, board game, card game, gambling, chess, training, interface, simulation, turn-based
cards, chips, pieces, pawn, tokens, board, deck, metal, plastic, wood, dice, crystal, glass, marble, paper, plush, rubber, draw, slide, throw, shuffle, drop, pick up, scoop, roll, shake, hit, tap
In total, this package contains 904 files.
All files are delivered in pristine (PCM) compressed FLAC files at 48 kHz / 24-bit resolution. FLAC is supported in Unity v2020.1.0 or later, but users of older versions of Unity can download the sounds and quickly convert them to Wav or OGG files and use them with any version of Unity or any other authoring application.
Check out the contents and organization of this sound library in the library’s File List.
We take extra care to make it easy to find the sounds you need and intuitively browse the contents. Depending on the theme and content, we use various ways to organize the content. Different content categories and channel formats are organized in folders. Useful content properties are included in the filenames (i.e., Loop, Complex, Diffused, DoplerInversed, etc.). Different types of the same phenomenon are denoted with capital letters, and same-type variations are enumerated with two-digit incremental numbers.
Apart from the embedded metadata in each sound file, we also provide rich (UCS-compliant) metadata in an Excel file, which you can use to import information into your pipeline. This Excel is made according to the new UCS standard, which offers a framework for consistently categorizing audio content using a universal classification system many vendors have already adopted.
Thank you for choosing a SoundFellas sound library for your creations!