Ultimate Color Picker

This Color Picker is an Easy to Use & Portable widget that can be used to apply colors to any 2D/3D object at runtime.

This Color Picker features the following features:

  •  Multiple Sliders: Allows fine-tuning of Hue, Saturation, Luminance, and Transparency to pick the perfect color.
  • Swatches: Allow for the quick application of pre-allocated colors. Useful for finding the ideal color palette for your project. (Set defaults on Prefab).
  • Quick Saving and Loading: This package's Swatches function loads and save colors to and from a JSON file. This also allows for multiple swatch color palettes to be saved and can be loaded whenever the need arises and also makes it possible to transfer swatches between projects.
  • Simple and Performant: Its simplicity allows colors to be applied quickly and in real-time with minimal impact on performance with particular attention to minimal Garbage Collection
  • Highly Portable: Smart programming allows this widget to be used on multiple platforms including PC, Mobile, and Console
  • Controller Compatible: This widget can be used and navigated using any Controller including XBOX, PS4/5, and Nintendo Switch (More information in ReadMe)