Asset Service Bus - Integrated organizing, loading, packaging system

Asset Service Bus is a highly integrated game asset management and packaging solution. It provides a complete service from editor import of assets to loading at runtime based on resources pool, then to packaging.

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It provides three groups of tools to let developers easily manage their assets:

  1. Project Watcher: An editor extension to project windows to establish and maintain project architecture. Allows developers to formulate the storage rules for a resource: that is, in which folders should assets with a specific name be placed. Asset files with specific names will be automatically classified into folders with specified names when imported(This matching way supports regular expressions!). Project watcher can also automatically build the folder structure in the project according to the configuration.
  2. Asset Manager: An extremely easy-to-use assets loading system. Assets in AssetBundle and other resources folder can be loaded in the same way. You can use the most intuitive way to get resources only by fuzzy search matching of the resource name, without caring about the details of the platform and source. The integrated pooling system also helps to improve your game performance. Both synchronous and asynchronous asset loading methods are well supported.
  3. Package Builder: Parametric package build system via shell script. It can be integrated into various mainstream CI/CD pipeline systems such as Jenkins or Gitlab CI/CD. packaging parameters such as name, version number, platform, etc. are all supported.

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