Farm Game 2D Pack

NEW update v1.2! Farm props added! Enjoy!

Please keep us informed what you would like to see in this pack in future updates!

Live Web Demo 1 Live Web Demo 2

Great pack for your Farm game. Perfect for mobile free to play games:

8 Animals(Fully animated) - Cow,Sheep,Horse,Goat,Pig,Dog,Cat,Chicken - Each animal with unique animations - walking,idle,sitting - also many animals have special animations when they are "done" and waiting to be harvested. Animated in Unity using Macanim. You can add your own animations if you wish.

5 Animal product icons

27 Farm props - Roads,Fences,Bences,Pond, etc.

15 Vegetables - Each with 3 stages of maturity (seed, grown, mature). Each vegetable has its own Icon also.

5 Trees - With 6 types of Fruit. 2 stages ( blooming, mature). Each fruit has its own Icon also.

3 Bushes - With 5 types of Fruit. 2 stages (blooming,mature). Each fruit has its own Icon also.

2 Fields - With and without grass.
1 Background

153 Graphic Assets Total
