Consisting of four student characters. 2 male and 2 female ones. This set extends the original base characters. Therefore all of these additional characters are also implemented as prefabs and come with basic idle and walk animations already set up.
Additionally this set comes with ten animated emoticons, providing the possibility of displaying them above the sprites, to implicate further emotional states or reactions.
Suitable for all kinds of genres that work with traditional topdown 2D environments, like RPGs, Adventures, Survival Games or whatever else you can think of.
These characters work best in combination with the tilebased environments of the Modern School - Game Kit series, but can of course be used with other assets. For example my Modern City - Game Kit.
Further Note:
This is part of a licensable game kit series, which is focusing on environments that are part of a modern setting and held within a top-down perspective.
This modern school theme will get further updates, when I find the time and inspiration or external suggestions are made. If there are enough votes for a certain direction, I will try and work on such ideas sooner than others.
Other environments in my series of modern top-down assets are generally combine-able with and will extend this setting.