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Sonigon - Free Trial <- Try Sonity out for free!
- New in 1.0.6: increase the volume of your sounds above 0dB.
- Components for triggering sounds without code.
- Live-edit and multi-edit everything with scripable objects.
- Use SoundParameters to control your sound in realtime.
- Automatic asset creation and reference finder.
- Music functionality like playlists, stems and intros.
- Visually debug sounds live in-game.
- Custom DSP filters and distortion per voice.
- Highly optimized system with IL2CPP support.
- Fully documented source code provided.
- Developed and used in commercial games.
- Crafted with my experience as a game audio professional.
Sonity is supported and tested on Unity version 2018.3.0 or higher
Works in WebGL (everything except DSP distortion/lowpass/highpass).
Disabling domain reloading in the “enter play mode options” is supported.