🌟Feature Highlights🌟
- Hundreds of math functions!
- Curves and Splines
- Bézier curves (Quadratic and cubic)
- Generalized n-degree Bézier curves 🎉NEW!🎉
- Catmull-Rom curves
- Derivatives and Frenet apparatus
- Curve Explorer with support for all curves
- Shapes 🎉NEW!🎉
- Intersection Testing
- Point Containment Testing
- Shape Utilities
- Additional Random functions
- Poisson Disk Sampling
- Vector Math
- Generalized VectorN type
- Polar and Spherical Transformations
- Swizzling
- Vector Utilities
- Polynomials 🎉NEW!🎉
- Derivatives and Integrals
- Discriminants and Root Finder
- Bernstein Polynomials
- Complex Numbers
- Additional Gizmos
- Color Utilities
- Dice Roll Simulator (with support for dice notation)
- Constants (Tau, Pi, e, Sqrt2, Phi, Colors, etc.)
- Extensive documentation
- Source code and examples included
- And much, much, more!
😁Ultimate Math Library is constantly being updated!😁
Have a feature request? Send an email to nickmiste@ultimatemathlibrary.com!
👀Coming Soon...👀
- More Splines
- 3D Shapes
- Expression Editor
- New features are constantly being added! Check back soon for more updates!
🤓See the UML documentation for more details.
📝View the changelog to find out what's new.
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