Rapid State Machine

Guide | Diagrams | Website

RSM is a state machine solution built with development speed as the highest priority. It allows for the creation of both simple and complex behaviours for characters, game managers and more. It features a powerful integration with Visual Studio that lets you quickly jump between pieces of code allowing for extremely fast iteration.

Why Rapid State Machine?

  • Speed - Being able to instantly open all methods to do with your states makes devloping and interating extremely fastr. Additionally, being able to edit conditions and transition at runtime lets you fine tune state machines without the normal delays.
  • Scalabe: No nodes means even with complex behaviour, you never end up with a spaghetti of nodes and wires. Thanks to behaivour trackers, even if your class is thousands of lines long, you can open to any state method instantly.
  • Easy - It's quick to learn the basics of RSM and you can do a lot with just the basics. Thorough documentation ensures that if you want to learn more advanced features, you can.
  • Extendable - It's relatively easy to mimic some of the secondary components to create your own scripts for more custom behaivour.

What's included?

  • The core systems for RSM
  • Two powerful custom inspectors for editing your state machines
  • A 2D Platform example scene
  • A debugging component with a custom inspector
  • An assortment of secondary components used to tie your other scripts into RSM

Before you buy

  • RSM requires basic programming knowledge
  • RSM doesn't work fully with all IDEs, check the guide to see if your IDE is supported.
  • RSM uses reflection