Frigga - Procedural Level Generator

Frigga is an all-in-one solution for procedural generation of tile-based levels.

Documentation | Discord | Getting started video | Generating 3D levels

Configurable Walker generator

The tool is powered by a simple yet very robust Walker generator. The generator comes with 2 builtin presets for generating procedural dungeons and island-like levels, but you are encouraged to tweak the parameters based on your precise needs. The generator can also automatically place a Spawn point or an Exit point for you so you can just drop you Player object and explore the levels.

Powerful Theme engine

An intutitive theme system that builds on the idea of Rule tiles while also adding many powerful features. The system handles both basic geometry like wall tiles and floor tiles, but also decorations and entities likes enemies, treasures, trees and much more.

Main features

- Supports Unity 6

- Configurable Walker generator

- Powerful Theme engine with intuitive editor interface

- 2 generator presets: Dungeon and Island

- Automatically place Spawn point and Exit point in a level

- Supports Tilemaps and Game Objects (2D and 3D levels)

- Easy to add Colliders and Nav Meshes

- Provides a scripting API

- Supports tilesets with wider and taller walls

- Works both at runtime and inside editor

- Includes source code

Theme engine features

- Supports multiple layers of tiles/game objects

- Configure random probability of rules

- Mirror and Rotate rule patterns

- Modulo - place rules every N tiles

- Perlin noise - place rules based on perlin noise, e.g. for forests and rocks

- Blue noise - place rules N tiles away from each other, e.g. for enemy placement

- And more...

Looking for something different?

Check out Edgar PRO, another procedural level generator made by me.

Asset uses Sylves and UITKEditorAid under the MIT license; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details