The Gazebo Store - Floating wooden structure with scifi engine

The Gazebo Store floating wooden structure includes

  • Wooden ship model with enginge, propulsors, mechanic legs, books, stairs, wine bottle and ladder.
  • 68 elements of the ship separated on Prefabs to create new pieces
  • The entire model use 485k tris
  • Includes 2 animations (idle walking and idle floating)
  • Example Scenes for Built-in and URP
  • 13 PBR Materials ready for Built-in and URP
  • 4096x4096px png textures, including Albedo, Normal, Ambient Occlusion, Metallic and Opacity maps
  • Prefab with lights and particles

Thanks for purchasing, if you have any particular requirement for the model you can send me a mail to, your feedback and requirements can help to improve this package.

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