Instant Subscenes

Unity has a very big problem when it comes to teamwork and level building, and Instant Subscenes is here to solve that forever. Instant Subscenes enables teams to create and manage Maps on the fly, allowing designers, artists, and other developers to work on the same portion of the game at the same time; drastically reducing merge conflicts as well!

Editor Features:
- Instantly create and manage Maps
- Instantly add subscenes to Maps
- Easily add and remove Maps from builds with 2 clicks (literally!)
- Editor only subscenes that are excluded from builds
- Hide and show subscenes from a loaded map to focus only on what you need
- Volume-based and distance-based subscene loading
- Save Map structures as Templates: You can use Templates to create other maps with the same subscene structure!
- Have multiple Maps open at the same time within the editor, for the development of Open World games
- Renaming
All this is accessible through the Map Manager window and the Template Manager window.

Code features:
- (All) source code included!
- 1 method call to load Maps additively or not
- 1 method call to unload Maps
- All the tool's editor data is serialized in JSON
format. If there ever is a merge conflict, it's very easy to solve!
- MapAsyncOperation class: It's an addition to Unity's AsyncOperation class. It allows you to:
> Preload Maps without opening them
> Access their loading progress
> Check if the loading operation is complete
> Callback on Map load completion
The MapManager.Load method returns the
MapAsyncOperation class, and its usage is optional.

How Instant Subscene works:
Instant Subscenes allows developers to create Maps, that are fundamentally a collection of Unity Scene assets, which in this tool we now call subscenes. They can be accessed from the Map Manager and can be loaded both regularly and additively. They are designed to work alongside regular Unity scenes but can also be considered a replacement for these. Every subscene that is present in the Map is loaded additively and asynchronously, so you can expect performance benefits from this as well! All template data is saved in JSON format as well, and it can be easily managed from the Template Manager window.

Contact Me!
If you have any doubts, questions or you want to see the tool's documentation beforehand, please contact me on my Discord server here: