"Mobile and Desktop Quiz Template" is a complete and flexible quiz template that is designed for desktop and mobile platforms.
Why You should get this package
- Easy to customize quiz questions and answers.
- Questions can have images as well as texts.
- You can use for desktop and mobile platforms.
- You can adjust the pass-mark for a test.
- You can set a test to be timed or not.
- You can set the number of options (e.g 4 options or true/false options)
- You can randomize questions.
- You can randomize answers/options.
- You can set how long each question shoud take.
- Code is easy to understand.
- Code is very flexible.
- Well documented and commented code.
- Package is lightweight.
Please Note:
To View the mobile scenes properly (in the editor), Make sure the game display is set to (740 X 1500).