Complete Projectiles And Ballistics

Complete Projectiles And Ballistics allows you to easily create and customize any kind of projectile with this toolsets! Create bullets of any caliber, bow and arrows, lasers, or anything else you need. Works in a variety of projects requiring projectiles, such as any FPS or TPS. Also works when shot from vehicles or any high speed shooter !

In-Depth ballistics can be customized for every projectile with :

- Velocity

- Gravity

- Air resistance

- Wind, with customizable wind force and turbulence

- Spin drift

- Coriolis effect

- Lift, with adjustable effect over flight

Physically accurate simulation of impacts, customize each projectile's interaction with every material :

- Penetration values

- Ricochet angles and randomness

- Custom VFX, particles or decals on every type of impact (on impact, full penetration and ricochet)

- Rigidbody force on impact, accurately simulated depending on the type of impact and amount of energy transferred 

Also has even more options on your projectiles, such as:

- Control of damage over it's range

- Rotation and orientation

- Which layers each projectile can interact with

- Projectile pooling size and maximum lifespan

Included is a scene with a functioning FPS controller, different weapons, targets with a health system, a shooting range, 3D models of various rifles, pistol, bow and arrow with materials and custom shaders for scopes and bullet tracers.

Also includes multiple examples of projectiles : various bullets, arrows, BBs, bouncing balls, lasers, etc.

This asset makes use of Unity's scriptable objects and physics materials, and no other scripts are needed throughout the scene besides the shooting component.

Every type of projectile can have it's trajectory predicted for an easy set up in the editor or for in-game purposes.

Projectiles do not require colliders or rigidbodies, and as such have a low CPU overhead.

This asset also has complete multiplayer functionality with a Photon PUN2 integration! Included is a working multiplayer scene highlighting how to make everything work with your project in minutes!