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Gizmo Box reduces the time wasted on inefficient workflow by helping to visualise common aspects of game development.

Icons, labels, volumes, and informational gizmos can be used to organise complex scenes, reduce time spent on debugging, boost productivity, and improve iteration speed.

Editor Only

Gizmo Box only works in the editor and will not be included when you author a build.

Editor Window

The custom editor window provides a quick way to add and remove gizmos.

Editor Runtime

Gizmos are attached to gameobjects which means their values can be changed at runtime. Simply reference the script and change the public values to update the gizmo in real time.

Single & Multi Versions

There are some gizmos with two versions; single and multi. Single gizmos are drawn independently of each other which makes them versatile and customisable. However, large scenes with hundreds of objects and gizmos can impact performance.

Multi gizmo versions provide a way to render large numbers of gizmos together for better performance but with less customisation.

Gizmo Customisation

Each gizmo exists to fit multiple use cases and provides the ability to customise the end result based on your requirements. For example, every gizmo has the option to always be drawn on screen, or only be drawn when the game object is selected. This helps you to reduce visual noise and focus on what is important to your project.

Direct Selection

Gizmo Box is able to detect and draw gizmos attached to nested objects when a parent in the nest is seleted. Direct selection allows you to toggle this feature on and off. When enabled gizmos will only be drawn when the object they are attached to is selected.