Obfuscator Source

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Obfuscation is a technique used in programming to make code harder to understand or reverse engineer. It involves intentionally making code more complex or obscure without changing its functionality.

Obfuscator Source was especially developed for Unity to increase your software and game security. Its main goal is to obscure your own source code and also compiled DotNet assemblies from third parties. All known platforms, whether standalone, console or mobile are supported.

Obfuscator Source includes all the features of Obfuscator Pro. The main difference is, the source version includes all the Obfuscator's source code. Each game or application is different and so needs different protection. To gain maximum control you have access to the whole source code. It allows to learn and to optimize your build process.


Being designed for Unity, Obfuscator Source considers Unity’s unique characteristics, like MonoBehaviours, ScriptableObjects, Serialization and Reflection, giving you a powerful but easy, and out-of-the box working obfuscator.

Supported member obfuscation:

-> Namespaces

-> Classes (also MonoBehaviour and ScriptableObject subclasses)

-> Methods

-> Fields

-> Properties

-> Events


In addition to member obfuscation, Obfuscator Source offers you security measures such as targeted hardening of code structures to prevent unauthorised access or malicious tampering while maintaining core functionality.

Supported security features:

-> String obfuscation

-> Adding random code

-> Anti debugging

-> Anti tampering (mono)

-> ControlFlow obfuscation (mono)


The integration is very simple, obfuscation runs when you build your game. The obfuscator hooks into the Unity build pipeline and applies security measures there.

The whole workflow of obfuscation and hardening is also very easy to adjust, it's fully customisable and well logged.

Also a StackTrace de-obscuscation tool is included, allowing you to restore and debug your secured assemblies.


Obfuscator Source makes it very hard for the bad guys to steal your source code. It is also regularly updated to ensure a high standard of security in the future. The tool ensures that your source code becomes so obscure through member obfuscation and hardening with security functions that it is hard for anyone to obtain or analyse your original code.

Also Obfuscator Source is the only Unity3d obfuscator that takes namespace obfuscation and MonoBehaviour/ScriptableObject obfuscation into account for all platforms.


-> Obfuscator 5.0 (after version 2019)

Supports Unity 2019 up to the latest 2023.

-> Obfuscator 4.0 (after version 2018)

Supports Unity 2018 up to the latest 2022.

-> Obfuscator 3.0 (pre version 2018)

For the previous Unity versions, use version 3.0.


Obfuscator Source is packed with plenty of manuals and tutorials, enabling you to dive straight into securing your game!

Documentation and Scripting Api Reference


All platforms Unity supports. Includes Mono and IL2CPP.


From developers for developers since 2017! If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Contact: guardingpearsoftware@gmail.com

Website: guardingpearsoftware.com


- Keep you game free from cheaters: AntiCheat


- Localize you game: EasyLocalization

- Optimize your performance: EasyPooling

- Monitor your performance: EasyPerformanceMonitor

🏛️ Third-Party

This asset uses Mono.Cecil under MIT/X11; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.