2D 5 Bullet Puzzle Game template

This pack is a template for a puzzle game thats ready to build and launch right off the bat. If you dont want that it could be easy enough to intergrate certian parts of the game into your own projects. Its simple to add your own levels or create new enemy types as you please.

The player can shoot a limited amount of bullets and when you run out of bullets you can collect some off the ground that refills your ammo.

Bullets bounce off the walls which hurt the enemy and you which can create some intresting puzzles and sitiuations. The enemy bullets bounce off walls aswell.

Lots of particle effects to make actions in the game feel meaningful and impactful.

Basic enemy ai that can detect the player look at you and shoot.

A health system is in place aswell.

Main menu and level select.

Scripts allowing you to interact with UI.