Simple Audio Library (WAV, MP3, OGG)

Simple Audio Library is a simple solution for managing audio in Unity at runtime.

Runtime features:
● Loading audio to audio clips (UnityEngine.AudioClip)
● Saving audio clips to WAV and MP3
● Cutting & trimming audio clips
● Changing frequency, speed and forcing to mono
● Reading meta (ID3 tags) from audio files
● Creating audio histograms

Supported formats:
● WAV (loading/saving)
● MP3 (loading/saving)
● OGG (loading only)

Supported platforms:
● Android (full support)
● iOS (full support)
● Windows (full support)
● UWP (doesn't support saving to MP3)
● Mac (doesn't support saving to MP3)

Supported Unity versions:
● Unity 2019 (tested)
● Unity 2020 (tested)
● Unity 2021 (tested)
● Unity 2022 (tested)

API Compatibility Level:
● .NET 4.x (Player Settings/Other Settings)

AudioClipManager methods:
Load - (Overloaded) Synchronously loads an audio clip from the specified path and returns AudioClip instance. On large files code execution may freeze, consider using LoadAsync().
LoadAsync - (Overloaded) Asynchronously loads an audio clip from the specified path and returns AudioClip instance in callback. Should be started as a coroutine with StartCoroutine().
SaveToWav - (Overloaded) Saves AudioClip as Waveform Audio File (WAV) and returns a byte array.
SaveToMp3 - (Overloaded) Saves AudioClip as MP3 and returns a byte array.
Copy - Copies AudioClip and returns a new AudioClip instance.
Cut - Cuts AudioClip by start and end time given (in seconds) and returns a new AudioClip instance.
TrimSilence - Removes silence (empty samples) from the beginning and from the end of AudioClip and returns a new AudioClip instance.
ToMono - Forces AudioClip (with 2 channels) to mono and returns a new AudioClip instance. Halves stereo AudioClip size.
SetSampleRate - Changes AudioClip frequency and returns a new AudioClip instance.
SetSpeed - Changes AudioClip playback speed and returns a new AudioClip instance [NEW].
ReadMeta - Reads ID3 tags from audio files.
CreateHistogramTexture - Creates a histogram for AudioClip and returns a Texture2D instance.
CreateHistogramSprite - Creates a sprite for AudioClip and returns a Sprite instance.

3rd party components used:
Lame under The MIT License (MIT)
TagLib# under GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 (LGPL-2.1)

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The asset icon was made by Wahyu Adam.

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