Five types of letters for PC, VR parties and events.
- Bulbs: 2.5k per letter, 2 materials, adjustable emission color
- Flowers: 2.5k per letter, 1 material
- Balloons: 1k per letter, 1 meterial, adjustable color
- Neon: 1k per letter, 1 material, adjustable emission color
- Lightboxes: 100 per letter, 1 material, adjustable emission color
- Letters Manager - easily create text by selecting a preset and entering text
- All leter types include A-Z, 0-9 chars and 2-4 aditional symbols
- Each letter is a separate 3D model, so you can assemble any word or sentence
- Custom convex mesh colliders for each letter
- The product is intended for use on PC and VR platforms, it is not optimized for mobile platforms!
- Import Post Processing from Package Manager