Sculpting Pro is a complete multiplatform solution of mesh sculpting in Unity Engine. Manipulate with any kind of meshes with user-friendly and well-known sculpting tools directly in Unity editor or at runtime.
Official Website • Documentation • APi • Overview • Contact
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Downloadable Content
> Online Sculpting [WebGL]
> Bird Model [PC-Win]
> Planet Sculpting [PC-Win]
> Monster Sculpting [VR-XR]
and more free example content here.
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Key Features
- Complete mesh sculpting in editor/ at runtime
- Well-known brush tools (Raise, Lower, Grab, Smooth…)
- Advanced mesh features (Subdivision, Smooth, Flip…)
- Multiplatform support (PC, VR, Mobile)
- Fully multithreaded
- History feature
- Vertex-seam handler
- Procedural primitives
- Full API with accessible methods
- Example content
Quick FAQ
• Is the SculptingPro compatible with URP/HDRP?
Yes, SculptingPro is a logical plugin, which means it’s not dependent on a renderer pipeline. However, example content that the plugin contains work in Unity Built-In render pipeline only.
• Does the SculptingPro work with voxels?
No, SculptingPro does not generate voxels. You can modify existing meshes only.
• Does the SculptingPro work with Unity Terrains?
No, SculptingPro does not work with Unity Terrain system. Only if you convert the Unity Terrain to the single mesh (This feature is not included in the SculptingPro plugin).
• Are the cute dinosaurs included in the plugin?
No, the dinosaur pack is not included in the plugin. You can check the dino package here.
... please read more FAQ here.
If you have any questions, suggestions or issues, do not hesitate and contact the developer here. (Direct contact may take a while to get a response, so it's better to contact me through Discord)
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