Cyberpunk Downtown - Low Poly

GYP Studios presents -

🏮 Cyberpunk Downtown Pack Vol.1 - Low Poly is made for Built-in & URP(Universal Render Pipeline) Project.

It allows you to create a Cyberpunk Downtown. Focusing on AAA quality Low Poly style game assets, and highly inspired by Cyberpunk 2077. By using a wide variety of modular prefabs, you can make any kind of building. There is no limitation.

More than 900 high-quality Prefabs.

▶ Key Features ◀

  • Wide variety of modular prefabs
  • 2 Demo scenes
  • 2 LOD(level of detail)
  • AAA quality demo scene
  • This package suits any other low poly assets such as Synty Studios

▶ Assets ◀

  • Building Modules (Walls x113, Doors x6, Door Frames x7, etc)
  • Building Decorations (Building Decorations x24, Door Eaves x7, Pipes x4, Vents x12, Wires x2, etc)
  • Interior (Walls x3, Floors x16, Windows x9, etc)
  • Furniture (Desks x15, Desk chairs x1, Bed x1, Bath x1, Cabinet x1, Celling_fans x2, Data Boxes x5, Door Lock x1, Fridge x1, Induction x1, Desk Lamps x1, Microwave x1, Monitors x4, Mirror x1, Shelf x1, Table x1, Toilet x1, Towel Rack x1, Washstand x1, etc)
  • Interior Probs (Basket x1, Bookend x1, Books x1, Bottles x3, Cans x2, Boxes x4, Cups x2, Cushion x1, Dumbell x1, Laptop x1, Lotion x1, Mouse x1, Perfume x1, Pizza Boxes x2, Shampoo x2, Toilet Tissue x2, VR Wear x1, etc)
  • Sidewalk Modules
  • Road Probs (Fences x19, Poles x2, Road Lines x3, Drains x3, Streetlamps x3, Traffic Light x2, Tree Grate x1, Vending Machines x4, Garbage Bags x2, Mattresses x2, Papers Abandoned x4, Trash boxes x2, Trash cans x1, Drum x1, Dirts x8, etc)
  • SkyTrain Rails (x6)
  • Signs & Graffitis (Graffitis x16, Posters x6, Signboards x24, Video ads, etc)
  • Poster image (1080x3840 x44, 3840x1080 x20)
  • Signboard video (240x426 x17, 426x240 x17), Original(FHD) video included
  • Texts (2D Numbers x10, 3D Alphabets x104, 3D Numbers x40, 3D Japanese x96, Barcode x1, etc)
  • Etc (Generator x1, Lamps x6, Lines x4, Lift x1, Passageway x3, Pillars x15, Platforms x6, Roofs x2, Slates x1, Stairs x14, Tunnels x3, Chairs x4, etc)

▶ Presets ◀

  • Buildings x50
  • Sidewalks x7
  • Outdoor Vendors x3
  • Vending Machines x4
  • Stores x2
  • Pagodas x2
  • Newsstand x 1

▶ Compatibility ◀

  • Built-in (Included Built-In Install-Package)
  • URP (Included URP Install-Package)

▶ Detailed information ◀

  • Texture dimension & Type: 2048 x2048, PNG format
  • Average polygon count: Building Preset(700~3000 tris), Wall(2~300 tris), Door(60~500 tris), Furniture(50~150 tris), Probs(100~300 tris), Vending machine(200~600 tris)

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