In-Game Text Editor is a simple but powerful text editor that allows you to write text inside your Unity game.
- Text selection with mouse and keyboard
- Copy, cut and paste text
- History of all operations (undo and redo)
- Support for syntax highlighting using regular expressions
- Forward and backward search
- Non-blocking execution of operations (does not block game loop)
- Uses only standard Unity UI elements, no dependency to other libraries
- Behaves like a standard UI element
- Customizable look and feel
Package content
- In-Game Text Editor assets with text editor prefab
- Demo scenes with various examples
- Documented source code
- User manual
Please note: In-Game Text Editor has been designed to work with Desktop games (Windows, macOS, Linux) and does not support input systems of mobile or VR platforms.
In-Game Text Editor uses SourceCodePro, a monospaced font created by Adobe and released under the SIL Open Font License. The font and the license file are included in the package.