This is more complete & more editable / adjustable version of Flat Minimalist GUI / UI pack
Opacity and colors of windows in this asset are 100% adjustable!
WebGL Demo
Contain graphics for:
- Settings
- Shop
- Inventory
- Quests
- Levels
- Messages
- Chat in game
- Chat with friend list
- Ranking
- Achievements
- Item info & Delete
- Start game, Pause, Login & Exit
138 Unique Items & Icons in 5 sizes:
- 32x32px,
- 64x64px,
- 128x128px,
- 256x256px,
- 512x512px
Buttons (customizable colours in Unity):
- Regular buttons (in 2 sizes & 4 colors)
- Outlined buttons (in 2 sizes)
- Buttons with icons (in 3 sizes & 4 colors)
- Outlined buttons with icons (in 3 sizes)
- Checkbox, toggle, radio, dropdown
Other elements:
- Health & Mana Bubbles (with 4 types of badges & 5 colors)
- Health & Mana Bars (3 types & 5 colors)
- Scrollbars
- Slider
- Input field
- Chat clouds
- Action bar
- Tooltip
- Points & time counters
+ Complete .psd editable file
+ .ai file with items & icons
Manual & tutorials
Our other GUI:
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