FPS Shooter 💥 (AR and Non-AR) — cross-platform Unity Asset that implements first-person Survival Shooter: kill the zombies and save your life with full immersion in the game!
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👉 Game Modes
You can choose Game Mode on the Demo Scene before the start:
1. Non-AR Mode (for all tested platforms) with the next Camera Control Modes:
2. AR Mode (if it’s available, user can see a button to activate it) with the next features using the AR Foundation (ARCore, ARKit) — Augmented Reality engine:
👉 Features
Shoot like a Pro with your amazing Game:
🍏 Package Contains
✨ Limitations
Learn Limitations separately for Each Asset included in the package.
📚 Docs & Support
I state the work of the asset only with uploaded Unity version or with the version indicated in the latest online docs that contain all instructions for the 1st launch.
The project is intended only for use with the Unity engine.
If you find a bug, or you can't use the asset as you need, please first
get the support before leaving a review on the asset store.
I am here to help and to improve my assets for the best.
Response time can be up to 5 business days.