Wisp GUI

🔷 Wisp GUI : The Wisp Graphical User Interface, offers a pack of 31 graphical user interface components for the Unity game engine, 8 of which are extensions to some already existing Unity components plus 23 new components.

📋 The components included are :
• Button.
• Edit Box.
• Checkbox.
• Panel.
• Scroll View.
• Slider.
• Text.
• Image.
• Dropdown List.
• Calendar.
• Tab View.
• Entity Editor.
• Table.
• Time Line.
• Node Editor.
• Button Panel.
• Grid.
• File Selector.
• Input Box.
• Message Box.
• Dialog Window.
• Context Menu.
• Tool Tip.
• Loading Panel.
• Progress Bar.
• Line Renderer.
• Circular Slider.
• Title Bar.
• Floating Panel.
• Bar Chart.
• Resizing Handle.

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🎨 Style sheets : Allows you to customize colors, borders, graphics, fonts and sizes of the graphical components, create a custom theme for your game or app in minutes or pick a style from a selection of 15 styles included with WispGUI.

📦 Prefab Based : The components are prefab based, allowing further customization if you are familiar with the Unity UI System.

🔠 All texts use TextMeshPro.

⌨️ Includes a Keyboard Event System to avoid keyboard shortcut conflicts.

📚 Includes a small library of icons, borders and style sheets.

💾 Source code available : Inherit from the components or create your own using the WispVisualComponent class.

UI Shaders : WispGUI comes with a modest library of 21 UI shaders to help you achieve your desired UI look.

📜 Documentation and demo scenes : WispGUI comes along with basic documentation on how to use all the components from script as well as a demo scene and a demo app.

🧪️ Try it before you buy it : Demo App

🙏 This asset uses TinyJson for C# under MIT license; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.

🙏 This asset uses the fonts Amethysta, Balgruf, Basically a sans serif, Clarity City and Zen Dots under SIL Open Font License; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.