POP BLOCKS Puzzle Match Kit





iOS demo




Easy-to-use and flexible LEVEL EDITOR - Does not require programming skills. Allows you to customize game features as you wish.

Various blocks,obstacles, collectable items and boosters - All elements are prefabs and can contain animations and extra features.

Easy and Dynamic Re-skin - Just replace the current pictures with yours. Change in one place, change everywhere!

100 tested levels - Use them as a starting point for your project, or modify.

Optimazed for different mobile devices - UI adapts to portrait mode, objects are merged to reduce garbage, sprite atlases improve performance and FPS.

3 Types of Map Settings - 3 map options: scrolling map, level grid, or no map (direct level progression).

Unity Ads, Admob, Rewarded ads

In-app purchases

PSD map Included

Visual and Sound effects

Facebook Implemented (leadboard, friends on the map)

Localized Price

Mini Game. Bonus Spin.

Daily Rewards + integrated Anti-time cheat

Game tutorials - visual and tabs

Visual Tutorial's EDITOR - tutorial's customization

AI tester - collects statistics for further balancing of your levels

Shortcuts for level testing and fast scene opening

Target EDITOR - set your own targets

✅ In-game privacy policy

Coins Shop

Life Shop

Booster Shop


❤️ Thank you for choosing our Assets ❤️


This asset uses DOTween, Unity Reorderable List and GameViewSizeHelper under MIT license, TextMeshPro under Asset Store EULA kindly allowed by its developer. see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.