Generic Dump Truck

Generic Dump Truck

This vehicle was made following the latest standars for these kind of realistic vehicle in AAA games, it has a geometry of 33436 polys and PBR textures, these textures are distributed in different materials and these are, Truck, Dump and Glass.

Truck Textures have a resolution of 4096x4096 and these are:
Base Color, Normal, MetallicSmoothness, AO
Dump Textures have a resolution of 2048x2048 and these are:
Base Color, Normal, MetallicSmoothness, AO
Glass Texture have a resolution of 512x512 and this is Albedo/Trasparency

The model has a texel density of 450px/m
The model has wheels, and doors separated inside the FBX with propper pivot so it could be setup, animate it and make it drivebale