MatCap Shader Pack

MatCap Shader Pack is a group of shaders for apply material capture textures on mesh surfaces.

🚀 WebGL Demo 🚀

User manual

API reference

Contact us to suggest new features or to request for support.


• Applies a material capture texture to mesh surface based on the view direction to achieve a top visual result. Doesn't need light sources.

• 3 render modes. Opaque, Transparent, Cutout.

• Blend capabilities. Supports 25 blend modes.

• Ambient Occlusion feature. Applies an ambinet occlusion to get a static indirect light effect.

• Ambient light feature. Optionally applies the environment lighting to mesh surface.

• Normal mapping feature. Applies a normal direction to achieve a enhanced matcap surface.

• Emissive color feature. Applies an emissive light.

• LOD crossfade feature. Supports Unity LOD system with additional fade modes.Alpha blending mode or Dithering mode with Unity Native dithering, Blue Noise dithering or Floyd Steinberg dithering.

• Stencil options exposed. Apply any configuration of the stencil buffer.

• User friendly. Custom material editor, more usable than the standard.

• Easy configuration. Copy and paste property system.


• Post processing support. Compatible with Post Processing Stack (all versions) and Legacy Image Effects.

• Good Unity compatibility. Works on Unity 2017 and higher versions.

• Full graphic compatibility. Works with Shader target model 3.0 (DirectX 9, OpenGL 3.0, OpenGL ES 2.0) and higher versions.

Compatible with Forward rendering.

Supports Built-in Render Pipeline.

• All platform support. Mobile, virtual reality devices, desktop and console.

• Professional optimization. Optimized for all platforms.

• GPU instancing. Huge call draw saving.

• VR ready. Multi pass rendering, Single pass stereo rendering and Single pass instanced rendering.

Supports Built-in Fog.


• Useful user manual and API reference. All code well comented.

• Sample content. Example scripts and scenes and source code included.

• Support contact.


• 2 shaders.

• 200 matcap textures.

• 7 demo scenes.

This asset is part of Chloroplast Games Framework (CGF).