Build fantastical, highly detailed pixel art worlds, explore them with customized characters and face varied monsters and bosses. All in one package for one excellent price!
Retro Pixel MegaPack features 7 asset packs containing high quality pixel art graphics in a 16-bit inspired, fantasy style. Build vast landscapes, quaint villages and sinister dungeons. Make varied characters in a selection of 2 styles/packs. Face many different monsters and bosses. All of the aforementioned at a great, MegaPack discount!
The following packs are included. Click the names for more information on each pack:
• Retro 2D Characters - Top-down character sprites with 23 animations and tons of variation
• Retro Pixel Characters - Top-down, customizable characters inspired by classic, 16-bit JRPGs
• Retro Pixel Bosses - 8 highly detailed, frame animated and fearsome pixel art bosses
• Retro Pixel Dungeons - Pixel art dungeons tileset with 250+ tiles and objects
• Retro Pixel Kingdoms - Pixel art villages & towns tileset with 370+ tiles
• Retro Pixel Landscapes - Grass, desert and snow biome tilesets in a highly detailed pixel art style
• Retro Pixel Monsters - Pixel art monster characters with animations and variations
Some of the Unity packages require the 2D Extras from Unity, freely available here. The Unity 2D animation package (currently preview) is required for the animated tree assets.
For support or questions regarding the asset pack, contact me at this address. For updates on this and future asset packs, feel free to follow me on Twitter.