Animated Pumpkinhead Character

Animated Pumpkinhead Character by PaulArt

This asset contains a ready to use pumpkinhead character that could perfectly fit your game.

Everything is set up! Just drag and drop prefab to your scene and get a fully customizable character with animations and movement logic. Walk, run, jump or fall - all physics is set and calibrated. Don't worry about being stuck inside surfaces or any other glitches. Just enjoy!

- Idle (10 frames)
- Walk (10 frames)
- Run (8 frames)
- Jump (7 frames)
- Fall (3 frames)
- Slide (10 frames)
- Dead (10 frames)

This package also contains:
- Complete movement logic with jumping, falling and sliding
- Presice and calibrated physics
- 7 various animations
- Ready to use character prefab
- Bonus: platforms tileset!
- Detailed documentation
- Does not require third-party dependencies for work

If you have any questions, please contact me via Email or Twitter

Please visit for more assets!