-Rig for humanoid and you can safely apply free animations for this character. -I used "3rd Person Controller + Fly Mode" and free animation to show model. It does't includ in the pack can be downloaded for free at assetstore. -There is a morftarget for blinking. -Divided into separate parts. -Texturs: AlbedoTransparency, Normal, MetallicSmoothness, Emissiv. Head: 3:2048x2048. Helmet: 3:2048x2048. Torso: 3:4096x4096, 1:1024x1024(emissiv). Leg: 3:4096x4096. Raspirator sistem: 3:4096x4096. Eye: 2:1024x1024. Glass: 1:1024x1024. -Vertex: 20.090. -Triangles: 37.558.