[HDRP/Built-in/URP] Abandoned Factory Buildings - Day/Night Scene OFFICIAL SALE

Walkthrough: https://youtu.be/mb4gEURu7aQ


#UPDATE 2 - We have added new 80 variations to create more interiors. Fixes small bugs on the maps.


#UPDATE 3 - We added Built-in and URP support. We can do that only by separate engine versions. HDRP is the version 2020.3.3f1. URP is 2020.3.39f1 and Built-in is 2020.3.48f1. If you try to add it to another version of the engine it will probably pull the latest one. If there will be any problems please let us know.

Most assets were built based on photogrammetry technique and properly optimized and hand-tweaked to work in real-time scenes on Unity. There were prepared two lighting setups day and night. Screens were made on HDRP version but it looks pretty similar on other render-pipelines.

It's our first package here. Please let us know what you think. We will try to provide the necessary support if needed. And we hope in the future we will make more assets for Unity Asset Store :)

If you feel that we missed something in the description or you just want more information from the engine please just write to us at scansfactory@gmail.com.

This pack includes 2x HDR skies from Greg Zaal by public domain license. Also, movement is based on a free tutorial FPS controller from sharpcoderblog.com.