NPC Chat

Add NPC Chat to objects in your scene, then trigger it to display a UI chat box, play audio, and/or trigger custom events. The Chat Box is a prefab made of built-in Unity UI components that you can customize, add-to, or remove.


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NPC Chat Features, the NPC Chat script allows you configure a number of settings via the inspector just like other common Unity components:

• API: StartChat, FinishPage, StopChat

• Header Text (NPC Name)

• Body Text (NPC Dialogue)

• LipSync reference plays LipSyncData (Requires LipSync Pro)

• Audio Clip

• Any Number of Pages

• Use Unique Chat Boxes on each page

• Chat Start Event

• Chat Stop Event

• Page Start Event

• Page Stop Event

• Page Buttons (up to 6)

• Play On Awake option

• Scrolling Text option

Chat Box Features:

• Made from built-in Unity UI components

• Name Text for NPC name

• Body Text for NPC dialogue

• Raw Image with Render Texture Camera display 3d animated characters in UI

Additional Components can be added to the NPC Chat object for added functionality and control:

• DistanceCheck

• MouseOverOutline

• TriggerChatOnCollision

• TriggerChatOnKeyDown

• TriggerChatOnKeyUp

• TriggerChatOnMouseDown

• TriggerChatOnMouseUp

Note: environment/character models and animation assets shown in demo videos are not included with NPC Chat.