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Looking for a pack which combines all of my puzzle assets together, at a massively reduced price? Adventure Puzzle Kit
The Flashlight System is a complete template for implementing your own flashlight system. The system allows you to collect an included PBR flashlight and batteries, then allows you to add additional interactable items, with a raycast system. This package comes with a basic UI system showing: Battery level, count and whether your flashlight is on and off. It is the basis to start any style of adventure/horror game with this functionality.
- This asset requires TextMeshPro to be installed!
- Raycast System
- 3rd Person Trigger Interaction
- Easily Customisable Flashlight Controller
- Reload the flashlight with simple button commands
- Trigger pickup for batteries
- Audio / Input Managers
- Infinite Flashlight Battery option
- Battery gauge and intensity decrease over time
- PBR Large & Smaller Flashlights included
- 2x PBR Textures at 2k resolution
- Sound effects: Collecting, reloading and turning on / off
- Basic UI for battery level, count and flashlight on / off
- Online documentation
- Full Documentation
- 1x PBR Dark Flashlight
- 1x PBR Silver Flashlight
- 1x Large Yellow Industry Flashlight
- 1x Smaller Plastic Flashlight
- 1x PBR Battery
- v1.8 - New optimisations, null checks and TMP integration
- v1.7 - New optimisations / Update UI / New PBR Flashlights
- v1.6 - Major Optimisations / ScriptableObject Integration
- v1.5 - Radial Indicator, cleanup and refinements
- v1.4 - 3rd Person Interaction
If you have any problems or have a question, don't hesitate to contact me via email