Look at the more improved version of the asset here,

Web demo,
Photon PUN WebGL demo
Video_1 Physics
Video_2 Multiplayer
Video_3 Client-Server
Download apk for Android

This can be used in Unity and Unity Pro. It is a template for creating Pool (Billiard) game. The package includes an example of 8 Ball Pool game logic, Artificial intelligence and Hotseat mode, room and table, multiplayer mode on the basis Photon PUN, and Unity "Real-time Networking" (with "Client-Server" architecture), also can easily converted for others server, such as Photon Server in one script. The package work in mobile devices

- Integrated Photon PUN ,
- Work in WebGL ,
- The package includes a multiplayer with "Client-Server" architecture,
- The package includes a Artificial intelligence mode,
- The package includes a Hotseat mode,
- Work in mobile devices,
- The package includes an example of 8 Ball Pool game logic,
- The package includes a special glass table.