This asset is a game template that integrates Photon Unity Networking 2 for multiplayer and Unity's AR Foundation for Augmented Reality. 

This complete project allows developers to create Multiplayer AR experiences. Also, developers can easily integrate Multiplayer AR to their own games.


-PUN 2 implementation

-AR Foundation, ARCore, and ARKit support

-Plane detection in AR

-Anchoring objects to flat surfaces 

-Scaling in AR

-AR Position Synchronization for Multiplayer Game Arenas

-AR and NonAR Mode options

-Effective Scene Loading in AR

-Player Selection in Multiplayer Game Development

Caution: This package required PUN 2 - FREE and Joystick Pack(free) packages to work.

Link for PUN 2: 

Link for Joystick Pack: 

Link for Documentation :!At2Y2Np4SXyvheUFPCdptf6uLEPeJw?e=iAGgMp