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This asset includes humanoid locomotion animations, some emotions and actions for retargeting to other humanoid 3D characters.
Simple Character Controller with moving animations included.
Animations List:
- Standing idles
- Crouch idle
- Swim idle
- Wounded idle
- Falling (midair)
- Forward roll (root motion and in place, 4.5 m)
- Jump (root motion and in place)
- Run (8 directions, 4 m/s, root motion and in place)
- Run slide (root motion and in place, 3 m)
- Turn rotations (left / right, root motion in place)
- Sprint (3 directions, 6 m/s, root motion and in place)
- Swimming (10 directions, 1 m/s, root motion and in place)
- Walk (8 directions, 2 m/s, root motion and in place)
- Crouch walk (8 directions, 2 m/s, root motion and in place)
- Angry
- Cheer / victory
- Conversations (talking and questions)
- Fear
- Hand claps (applause)
- Hand waves
- Head nods (saying yes)
- Head shakes (saying no)
- Pain
- Looting from floor
- Opening
- Knockdown and stand up
- Sitting (ground, low, medium and high)
- Stunned
Each animation is available in two versions: one more masculine and the other more feminine.
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