MMO Accounts & Characters System 2

Demo | Documentation

MMO ACS 2 is a fast, universal, customizable and user friendly solution that makes you kickstart your MMO project by providing you a backend that includes the Accounts Managing, Authentication Process, Characters Managing and a lot more in a typical MMORPG style, using PHP and MySQL but letting the doors opened for using custom APIs, Web Services, WCF and everything else releated. In other words, MMO ACS 2 lets you jump to the funny part of development!

MMO ACS 2 is totally framework independent for the multiplayer side, since it's a thing apart.

That means you are free to use any framework you want, Photon, PUN, SmartFoxServer, DarkRift, Forge Networking, your own Network Solution and everything else.

Main Features:

*Accounts & Authentication: Let your users register to your servers with a safe e-mail verify. Every users that register have to provide: Account Name (must be unique), Email Address (must be unique) and password. A confirmation link will be sent to the inserted email address and the user will not be able to login until he's account has not been verified. Verified users will be able to login.

If a user lose his password he can use the 'Forgot Your Password' system that will do everything in totally automation.

*Server Selection Template: Allows you to have different servers where your players can play your game from different locations in the world. Servers can have unique Worlds and Databases, or you can merge all of them together.

*Character Creation: Create characters with different gender, class, race, skin color, hair type, hair color and every other customization you have in mind! Adding customizations (such as 'beard', 'markings', 'earrings') will take you nothing more than few minutes.

The Races and Classes are managed by a smart system that will do everything for you. You literally have to create and configure 1 ScriptableObject to make a totally new and unique race and reference it to a script to make it game-ready, same thing for the classes.

*Races, Classes & Gear Creator: Create new races, classes and gear with visual Editor Windows built specifically to speed up your workflow. Forgot every rough configurations in the code or everywhere else, here all you have to do is to create a new ScriptableObject, configure it whitin those windows and make a reference to a script to have it game ready.

*Character Selection: To select and play, or delete a character. Here you can view your characters with their current gear and basic information, like their Name, Level, Race and class.

*World Scene: Provides you a scene where the selected character is loaded in a basic Controller, where the player can walk around with its character. The UI is set with the current Character Data (Name, Level, Class on top-left corner of the screen) and everything regarding the data of this character is accessible from every script, situation or scenes you may want to use.

*Runtime Changes: Change the equipped gear of the character at runtime, as well as his level with an automatically save system. On your next login you will have the level and gear you've selected on your character!

Other Features:

*Full C# & PHP Code Included.

*Demo, UI, Models and animations Included.

*Heavily Documented.

*The whole code is commented and explained.

*Step-by-step tutorials on how to add new functionalities, setting up your own server (using XAMPP) and every aspect of MMO-ACS 2.

*Everything is customizable.

*Handy settings that allows you to easily setup your game.

*PHP Security:

*Prevent SQL Injections.

*Prevent CSRF attacks.

*Passwords hashed and salted.

*Sensitive data (such as server/database

information) always hidden to the user.