Nav mesh based, light probe generator!
Works out the box!
Add the supplied prefab to your level, adjust the settings, and hit the generate button!
Clustered processing
Greatly speed up calculation by tweaking the cluster settings. This is especially effective for larger levels!
Sparse "aerial probe" generation
Covers outside areas nicely with sparsely placed probes with a separate merging threshold.
Collision overlap masking and ignore filters
Gives a cleaner result by masking out probes placed within colliders.
"Out of bounds" masking and cleanup passes.
Cleanup passes that removes probes outside of your play-space, and keeps the probe amount to a minimum!
Probe volumes
Efficient, flexible and easy to use probe volumes with uniform density distribution!
Fully tweakable!
Neatly packed & easy to understand tweakable settings, to ensure you get the results you need!
All in all, a super simple, super quick tool to give you more time to focus on more productive sides of development!