Pixel Platformer Game Asset

Starter assets kit with 2D pixel art for your platformer game!

– Standing
– Idle
– Moving
– Jumping
– Falling
– Pulling
– Pushing

– 4 pattern of Ground Tilesets
– 3 type of trees [small,medium,large]
– 2 type of boxs
– 2 type of switch
– 3 type of Brush
– 2 type of light direction
– Pillar Tilesets
– Ancient gate
– small door
– Checkpoint Statue Animation
– Grass Animation
– Wooden plate tileset for one way collision
– Wooden Fence
– Grass on ground
– BG for repeat slide

– Coin Spin Animation
– Treasure
– Frame of flim

– Basic Platform Game Button for Keyboard
– Basic Platform Game Button for Gamepad
– Main and Pause menu
– 3 types of joystick
– Frame for UI