Touch Controller Kit is a quick and easy tool to add any kind of touch controls to your game with only minimal coding experience. All you need to do is pick the controller you want and drop it to your scene. That's all, Enjoy consistent inputs across any touch device.
Contains several examples that will help you to easily integrate it into your game.
Visualize your touches on screen by either animating it or by displaying a beautiful trail that follows touches or by drawing a line on screen. Moreover, you can also edit them or add your own custom touch animations, lines or trails.
4-directional and 8-directional swipes with lots of customization and easy to use delegate events to trigger your swipes.
Detect and trigger events in case of tap, double tap, triple tap or long tap.
Specially designed controls for racing games such as moving left or right and triggering boosts.
Easy to use tilt controller for supported devices. Detect and tilt in any axis.
You can use joystick D-pad or an invisible on-screen D-pad and move just by touches. You can customize the joystick as you like and switch between the joystick or touch anytime.
Camera controls similar to FPS games. Rotate camera to look around the scene by dragging on the right side of screen.
Zoom and Pan the scene whether in 2D or 3D. Restrict the player from zooming or panning beyond a certain limit.
Most of the controllers supports multi-touch.
Furthermore, you can combine several of the controllers provided to create a unique one for your game.
Most of the controllers also supports mouse inputs to help you quickly check and debug errors in the unity editor itself.
Good documentation. Always updated online documentation with an offline ReadMe! file inside the asset.
Written in easily understandable code with proper comments so that you can understand every bit of the code. This will help you to edit code if need be.
Works on Unity 2017, 2018 or 2019.
•Visualize Touch: For touch animations, line drawing and touch trail.
•Swipe Controller: For 4/8-directional swipe and taps.
•Racing Controller: Controls for racing games.
•Tilt Controller: For device tilt controls.
•Joystick: For joystick controls in your games.
•Touch Pad and Camera Rotater: Simulates joystick like controls with touch and for FPS type camera controls.
•Joystick and Touch Input Handler: For joystick and touch pad integration and their input controls.
•2D Zoom and Pan: For zoom and pan in 2D environment.
•3D Zoom and Pan: For zoom and pan in 3D environment.