The pack of instruments - altosax, tuba, oboe, horn, trumpet, clarinet, flute, trombone, base(x2), guitar(x6), harp, contrabass, groundpiano, marimba, synthesizer(x3), timpani(x5), drumset and accordion -.
Most of the models are composed of 1,000 - 5,000 verts and 1k texture(color and metallic).
In order to reduce draw call, the models are packed into ONE object or ONE material as possible, so you do not need worry the reworks of baking after purchasing.
This asset was made in Built-in. If you want to use this asset in URP/HDRP, please change the shader of all materials by your hand. In order to avoid an unnecessary error message, this package does not contain the URP and HDRP materials.