Low Poly Animated Prehistoric Animals

This pack was made in cooperation with the world's best paleontologists to bring the famous prehistoric animals back to life with accurate shapes and animations. High-quality rigged low poly animals with animations, stunning demo scenes, and Wander Script:

— Content —

- Wander Script (V.5.) You can drag and drop living animals to the scene

- Rigged animals

- Beautiful demo scene

- Mecanim support

- 20 Animal textures

- 100+ Stunning animations stored in unity .anim

- Illustrated environment texture

- 10+ unique sounds

- Low poly nature elements

- Grass and Flower textures

— Animals —


- American lion (814 vertices)

- American lion male (906 vertices)

- Ancient bison (742 vertices)

- Columbian mammoth (734 vertices)

- Direwolf (861 vertices)

- Dwarf pronghorn (784 vertices)

- Harlan's ground sloth (783 vertices)

- Mastodon (800 vertices)

- Sabertooth (829 vertices)

- Shasta ground sloth (862 vertices)

- Short-faced bear (819 vertices)

- Teratorn (554 vertices)

- Western camel (771 vertices)

- Western horse (686 vertices)

Still There

- Coyote (861 vertices)

- Mountain puma (802 vertices)

- Racoon (702)

- Rainbow trout (335 vertices)

- Western meadowlark (364 vertices)

— Animations —

AmericanLion_Attack1, AmericanLion_Attack2, AmericanLion_Death, AmericanLion_Idle-Licking, AmericanLion_Idle-Standing, AmericanLion_Idle-Stretching, AmericanLion_Laying-Standing, AmericanLion_Roar,AmericanLion_Stading-Laying, AmericanLion_Walk, AmericanLionLaying_Idle, AncientBison_Attack, AncientBison_Death, AncientBison_Idle, AncientBison_Run, AncientBison_Selection, AncientBison_Walk, ColumbianMammoth_Attack, ColumbianMammoth_Death, ColumbianMammoth_Idle, ColumbianMammoth_IdlePlay, ColumbianMammoth_Run, CoumbianMammoth_Walk, Coyote_Attack, Coyote_Death, Coyote_Idle, Coyote_Run, Coyote_Selection, Coyote_Walk, Dire Wolf_Attack, Dire Wolf_Death, DireWolf_Howl, DireWolf_Idle, DireWolf_Run, DireWolf_Walk, DwarfPronghorn_Attack, DwarfPronghorn_Death, DwarfPronghorn_Idle, DwarfPronghorn_Run, DwarfPronghorn_Selection, DwarfPronghorn_Walk, HarlansGroundSloth_Attack, HarlansGroundSloth_Death, HarlansGroundSloth_Idle, HarlansGroundSloth_Idle-Stand, HarlansGroundSloth_Run, HarlansGroundSloth_Stand, HarlansGroundSloth_Stand-Idle, HarlansGroundSloth_Walk, Mastodon_Attack, Mastodon_Death, Mastodon_Idle, Mastodon_Idle2, Mastodon_Run, Mastodon_Trumpet, Mastodon_Walk, MountainPuma_Attack, MountainPuma_Death, MountainPuma_Idle-Licking, MountainPuma_Idle_Standing, MountainPuma_Idle-Stretching, MountainPuma_Laying-Standing, MountainPuma_Laying-Idle, MountainPuma_Roar, MountainPuma_Run, MountainPuma_Standing-Laying, MountainPuma_Walk, Racoon_Atack, Racoon_Death, Racoon_Idle, Racoon_Quadruped, Racoon_Run, Racoon_StandUp, Racoon_StandUp-Idle, Racoon_Walk, Sabertooth_Attack1, Sabertooth_Attack2, Sabertooth_Death, Sabertooth_Idle, Sabertooth_Roar, Sabertooth_Run, Sabertooth_Walk, ShastaGroundSloth_Idle, ShastaGroundSloth_Attack, ShastaGroundSloth_Death, ShastaGroundSloth_Idle, ShastaGroundSloth_Run, ShastaGroundSloth_Standing-QuadrupedStance, ShastaGroundSloth_StandUp, ShastaGroundSloth_StandUp-Idle, ShastaGroundSloth_Walk, ShortFacedBear_Attack, ShortFacedBear_Death, ShortFacedBear_Idle, ShortFacedBear_Run, ShortFacedBear_Quadruped_Standing, ShortFacedBear_Standing-Quadruped, ShortFacedBear_Standing_Idle, ShortFacedBear_Walk, Teratorn_Flapping, Teratorn_Flying-Idle Teratorn_Gliding, Teratorn_Gliding-Flapping, Teratorn_Idle, Teratorn_Selection Teratorn_Selection-Flying, Teratorn_Transition-Flying, Teratorn_Transition-Gliding, Teratorn_Walk, Trout_Swim, WesternCamel_Attack, WesternCamel_Death, WesternCamel_Idle, WesternCamel_Run, WesternCamel_Selection, WesternCamel_Walk, WesternHorse_Idle, WesternHorse_Run, WesternHorse_Selection, WesternHorse_Walk, WesternMeadowlark_Attack, WesternMeadowlark_Death, WesternMeadowlark_Flying, WesternMeadowlark_Flying-Perched, WesternMeadowlark_Perched, WesternMeadowlark_Run, WesternMeadowlark_Sing, WesternMeadowlark_Walk, WesternMeadowlark_Walking-Flying

Thank you all for purchasing our pack! If you have a specific requirement for a model, we will be happy to add it! Just send us an email at contact@polyperfect.com or get in touch with us on our Discord

For presentation, we use free camera filters, such as Post Processing Stack.

— Other Low Poly Packs —

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— Toolkits —

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— 2D Packs —

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2D SDF Nodes

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— Media —

Polyperfect review