Modular city district providing good - sized environment for urban projects - assembled from facade, side wall and roof pieces.
This package contains our entire City Streets Checkerboard package as a bonus. All assets are PBR ready.
There are no city prop modes in this package !!!
Supports unity 2019.2.14f1 +
Package content:
17 facade types split in parts for modular use
(shop fronts / entrances + two - four story upper parts)
4 pieces of four story side walls split in parts for modular use
1 piece of regular side wall
48 modular roof pieces including flat, double sloping, hip and special
39 square terrain and road pieces
4 sky-boxes
Demo scene contains 43 original block composed of included assets and
Over 120 block variations as prefabs.
Possible to setup day and night scenes
(using emission and preset lights in scene)
3 LODs on most pieces (2 LODs on few), last (LOD2) with colliders
Facades First LOD: 0,5-1K triangles
Roofs First LOD: 100 - 1,8K triangles
Terrain First LOD: 1-2,3K triangles
Facades Last LOD 12 triangles
Roofs Last LOD: 26-64 triangles
Terrain Last LOD 276 triangle at most
Materials: Standard for Facades Walls and Roofs
and Standard (Specular setup) for terrain
Maps: TIFF- Albedo with Alpha (Smoothness), Metallic, Specular.
Facades 2K (mostly 2 facades on each map) Side walls 2K,
Roofs 2K, Grass 2K, Paving 1024x512 or 1K, tarmac 1024x512.
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