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Human Villager Animations FREE
Animations List:
- Standing idles holding different objects
- Standing idles break-variations holding different objects
- Damage holding different objects
- Two deaths
- Sheathe/unsheathe tools from hips
- Drop/pick up object from table
- Run (8 directions, variations carrying tools in hands)
- Sprint (3 directions, variations carrying tools in hands)
- Turn rotations (left/right, variations carrying tools in hands)
- Walk (8 directions, variations carrying tools in hands)
- Carrying object (holding, pick up, drop)
- Tree chopping (horizontal and vertical)
- Farming with plow
- Fishing (throw, loop waiting, fighting, pulling out)
- Gathering (like berries from bushes, 3 variations)
- Using hammer (ground, wall, table, anvil)
- Mining (ground, wall, both hands, one hand L/R)
- Seeding ground (from basket/container or just from hand)
- Skinning (ground and table)
- Watering plants/soil (using bucket or using watering can)
Each animation is available in two versions: one for a more masculine rig and the other for a more feminine rig.
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